
The magazine of material culture

Tapped In: From Sap to Syrup

Maple Sugaring

"So many people in Vermont do this and whether it is ten taps or thousands of taps, we can all talk the same language and we all have the same concerns, we’re all anticipating the season whether we end up with a quart or five hundred gallons,” says Fred Homer.

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Flora Mon Amour

Foraged Flora


Foraged Flora—co-authored with Sarah Lonsadale—quickly became a sensation when it was released towards the end of 2016. The book’s pristine, beautiful photography and poetic musings may cause the casual reader to overlook the rigorous ecological ethos underlying it. 

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Adieu to the Ice Yacht?

Ice YachtingJust over a hundred years ago, sailing a boat-like vessel over ice was the fastest way to travel over sea, land, or air. Under the right conditions, a wooden ice yacht could reach unprecedented speeds of over one-hundred miles-an-hour. With the rivers they used to travel on no longer able to fully freeze due to warmer winters, the future of this sport is in question. Read more →